Button Block: 4” Appliqué Alphabet

The Button Block Appliqué Alphabet has character and style that isn’t too fancy or too plain. Use the solid shape of the letters (A-Z) for cotton or wool appliqué. Use the outline of the letter for embroidery. The wide body provides a generous space to fill with buttons, embellishments, or decorative stitches.

(Note: this is not a commercial or free font, it is a hand-drawn alphabet that Tammy Tutterow designed with hand-cutting in mind.)

Button Block Pattern Details:

  • The pattern is suitable for both wool and cotton appliqué.
  • All letters are 4″ tall and range from 3 1/2″ to 3 3/4″ wide.
  • Use the solid letter shape for appliqué.
  • Use the outline of the letter shape for embroidery.
  • This pattern is a pdf. Click on the “download” link in your email receipt to download.

Supplies shown in the sample photos:

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