This Alphabet M Perforated Paper Kit is part of our NeedlePrint & Play Alphabet Art.

Alphabet M Perforated Paper Kit includes:

Perforated paper, printed with coral stripes and the letter M. Cross stitch chart to stitch the floral arrangement Printed cardstock for lining stitching Buttons for embellishment Instructions for finishing.  Finished size about 5"x5"

What else do I need?

9 colors of embroidery floss Weeks Dye Works: Hibiscus, Guacamole, Lucky, Mascara, Island Breeze, Squash Gentle Art: Melon Patch, Fragrant Cloves, Cameo Pink Needle Glue stick or double sided tape Our model is finished in a custom-designed box. The stitched piece slips right into a slot on the side of the box!

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